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Conservation of angular momentum

We are now in a position to revisit the principle of conservation of angular momentum in the context of rotation about a fixed axis. From Eq. (7.45c), if the external torque is zero,

$L_z=I\omega$ = constant

For symmetric bodies, from Eq. (7.44d), Lz may be replaced by L .(L and Lz are respectively the magnitudes of L and Lz .)

This then is the required form, for fixed axis rotation, of Eq. (7.29a), which expresses the general law of conservation of angular momentum of a system of particles. Eq. (7.46) applies to many situations that we come across in daily life. 

Fig.1: A demonstration of conservation of angular momentum. A girl sits on a swivel chair and stretches her arms/ brings her arms closer to the body.

You may do this experiment with your friend. Sit on a swivel chair (a chair with a seat, free to rotate about a pivot) with your arms folded and feet not resting on, i.e., away from, the ground. Ask your friend to rotate the chair rapidly. While the chair is rotating with considerable angular speed stretch your arms horizontally. What happens? Your angular speed is reduced. If you bring back your arms closer to your body, the angular speed increases again. This is a situation where the principle of conservation of angular momentum is applicable. 

If friction in the rotational mechanism is neglected, there is no external torque about the axis of rotation of the chair and hence Iω is constant. Stretching the arms increases I about the axis of rotation, resulting in decreasing the angular speed ω. Bringing the arms closer to the body has the opposite effect.

Fig.2: An acrobat employing the principle of conservation of angular momentum in her performance.

A circus acrobat and a diver take advantage of this principle. Also, skaters and classical, Indian or western, dancers performing a pirouette (a spinning about a tip–top) on the toes of one foot display ‘mastery’ over this principle. Can you explain?

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